- Kevin Roberts – Red Rose Consulting - https://www.redrose.consulting -

Winning In The Age Of Now

My purpose today is to offer you some frameworks and ideas for maximum velocity in a super-networked world.

I’m going to talk about winning. Winning not through the command and control model of ‘strategize, process and persuade’, but through connecting, loving and inspiring.

This is the language of Peak Performance, the mark of a mega brand, the slam dunk of emotional engagement. Infomercials it is not!! In today’s life stream, this vector sells more stuff to more people at higher margins.

Winning is better than losing, business is a blood sport, and entrepreneurs are its warriors, born to bet the bank not work for it, driven to slaughter impossibility.

Getting into the winning frame has never mattered more to people because its alternatives are chaotic, viral and painful. We live in a VUCA world:

Entrepreneurs are the super heroes of a VUCA reality, because only entrepreneurs can create a superVUCA world:

Creating superVUCA starts with an urge to surge.

As ESPN Coach of the Century, Vince Lombardi said: “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.”

The context for winning in business has shifted from production to people. People reign, not institutions, and people live at warp speed.

New doesn’t exist anymore. We live in a digital life stream, a forever NOW or never world.

It’s a field of instant expectation, instant availability and instant feedback.

There is no new, just NOW. We are in a screen revolution. We are all “screenagers.”

Liberated by technology, people navigate VUCA by living in the moment. 80% of happiness is in the Now.

People are driven by primary impulses to go to the brightest flash. The universal call is “make my moment”.

It’s the Age of Now.

Attention Participation
Inform Inspire
Interruption Interaction
Return on Investment Return on Involvement
Pumping Markets Creating Movements

Strategic planning is redundant. Nothing is ever finished. We are in permanent beta mode.

Winning comes down to surfing, not managing. The total focus must be on action. Do it now!

As Shimon Peres told me, “It’s not enough to be up to date; you have to be up to tomorrow.”

The 5 winning tracks to a SuperVUCA world:



Martin Luther King did not say “I have a mission statement.” He said ‘I have a dream.’

Great entrepreneurs dream of improving the world in some way, generating good living and wellbeing.

P&G dream of Touching Lives, Improving Life. Revenue doubled in a decade, not bad for a 175-year old company perceived by many as the heaven of process.

Steve Jobs’ dream? Think Different. This has created the world’s most valuable company. Emotionally-centric.

What is your company’s Dream? Is your business chugged by followers or is it powered by inspirers?

People want to be part of something bigger than themselves, home to work to go to shop.

‘Purpose-inspired’ switches price to priceless.

The dream matters because the customer question has changed from “how cheap are you?” to “how will you improve my life?”

The winning answers are “Purpose-inspired, benefit-driven”.


In business, reengineering and restructuring and re-everything have exhausted people and only add incremental growth.

There is a premium on originality. To deliver in the Now, takes the unreasonable power of creativity.

Revolution starts with language, and creativity is the winning app. Think CEO as “Chief Excitement Officer”; CIO “Chief Ideas Officer”; CMO the “Chief Motivation Officer.”

The Five Creative Keys:


Today everything is a brand, nothing is a brand. To win, you have to engage the primary human drive.

Brands are owned by companies, marketers, and stockholders. Lovemarks are owned by the people who love them.


Give your people 3 questions:

Give your people 4 things:

5. To Win Now, MAKE IT A HABIT 

Winning is a habit. Unfortunately so is losing.

Winning fast and forever is about Peak Flow and Cool Tools.

Peak Flow
Winning is habit-forming ‘in the zone’, operating at Peak Flow day in day out, not just in times of crisis and not just at quarter end, for Peak Performance.

Flow comes from Inspirational Players focused on purpose-driving activities. This is radical optimism at work.

Flow puts people in the zone all the time. With more time in flow, organizations can:

Flow is Toyota-lean, Steve Jobs-lean, DarWIN lean. All systems and activities focus on creating customer value and delivering the Dream.

Flow combines passion and harmony, enabled by wellbeing, happiness through fulfilling true potential (signature strengths, reframing, personal purpose).

Passion is emotional connection with the Dream. It’s crazed want to win that knows no failure.

Harmony of individual and shared consciousness enables instantaneous decision making and delivery. It’s about:

There are lots of Tools to Flow faster. Five:

ADE: Assess, Decide, Execute.

From To
Assess 50% 20%
Decide 30% 10%
Execute 20% 70%


Let’s make the world a better place for everyone.